Molecular Graphics Models using Swiss PDB Viewer
This tutorial presents various models of molecular graphics representations such as Wireframe model, Ball & Stick model, Spacefill model, Surface model, Stick model, Backbone model, Van der Waals model, Ribbon model, Strand model, and Electrostatic potential model of protein structure using Swiss PDB Viewer.
- Open Swiss PDB Viewer software.
- Click File → Open PDB File… menu to browse protein structure (.pdb file) location. By default, it displays protein structure in “Wireframe” model.
- In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “::v” to display whole protein structure in “Van der Waals” model.
- Click Display → Render in Solid 3D menu, and click Display → Show Backbone Oxygens menu (deselect) to display protein structure in “Sticks” model.
- In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “side” to display whole protein structure in “Backbone” model.
- In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “ribn” and “show” to display whole protein structure in “Ribbons in Cartoons” model.
- Click Color → act on Backbone + Sidechains → act on Ribbon menu to display ribbons in secondary structure color.
- Click Prefs → 3D rendering… menu to open 3D rendering parameters window. In Bonds section, change Radius (solid) to “0.150” Å and Smoothness (1..13) to “13”. In Atoms section, change Radius to “0.400” / 30, Atom Smoothness (1..13) to “13”, and Spacefilled atom smoothness (1..13) to “13”. The protein structure will be displayed in “Ball & Stick” model.
- In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “::v” to display whole protein structure in “Spacefill” model.
- Click Prefs → Ribbons… menu to open Ribbons Preferences window. De-select Render as Solid ribbon checkbox to display protein structure in “Strands” model.
- In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “::v”, “ribn”, and “labl” and clear selection, to reset display to “Ball & Stick” model. Again, click Display → Render in Solid 3D menu to reset display to “Wireframe” model.
- Click Prefs → Surfaces… menu to open Surface Preferences window. In General Appearance section, select Filled Triangles (only in 3D mode) and Quality [1..6] to “6”. In Default surface Color: section, select Electrostatic Potential and click ‘OK’ button. Click Tools → Surface → Compute to display protein structure in “Molecular Surface” model.
- Click Tools → Surface → Discard menu to reset display to “Wireframe” model. Now, click Tools → Compute Electrostatic Potential, and click Tools → Triangulate Current Map and accept changes to display protein structure in “Electrostatic Potential” model.
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