
Showing posts with the label Molecular Graphics

Molecular Graphics Models using Swiss PDB Viewer

This tutorial presents various models of molecular graphics representations such as Wireframe model, Ball & Stick model, Spacefill model, Surface model, Stick model, Backbone model, Van der Waals model, Ribbon model, Strand model, and Electrostatic potential model of protein structure using Swiss PDB Viewer . Protocol Open Swiss PDB Viewer software. Click File → Open PDB File… menu to browse protein structure (. pdb file) location. By default, it displays protein structure in “ Wireframe ” model. In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “ ::v ” to display whole protein structure in “ Van der Waals ” model. Click Display → Render in Solid 3D menu, and click Display → Show Backbone Oxygens menu (deselect) to display protein structure in “ Sticks ” model. In Control Panel window, right-click symbol “ side ” to display whole protein structure in “ Backbone ” model. In Con...