Binary Matrix to Cladogram Construction using NTSYSpc
NTSYSpc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) is a simple and light-weight statistical software used for cluster analysis of molecular genetic qualitative data. The broad features of NTSYSpc include similarity/dissimilarity, clustering, graph theoretic methods, ordination, interactive graphics, multivariate tests, geometric morphometrics, and comparison of matrices. This brief video tutorial illustrates how to use NTSYSpc to create a cladogram ( a tree diagram that shows the cladistic relationship between several populations/species ) from a binary matrix. The table made up of 0s and 1s is represented by the binary matrix. On the other hand, 1 denotes the presence of character, 0 denotes the absence of character ( trait ), and a blank area denotes the absence of character.